
Institute of Artificial Intelligence publications

Fabio Caraffini, Ferrante Neri, and Michael Epitropakis. Hyperspam: A study on hyperheuristic coordination strategies in the continuous domain. Information Sciences, 477:186 – 202, 2019.

P. Loukopoulos, G. Zolkiewski, I. Bennett, S. Sampath, P. Pilidis, X. Li, D. Mba, Abrupt fault remaining useful life estimation using measurements from a reciprocating compressor valve failure, Mech. Syst. Signal Process. 121: 359–372. 2019. doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2018.09.033.

Nicola Capuano, Francisco Chiclana, Hamido Fujita, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Vincenzo Loia: Fuzzy Group Decision Making with Incomplete Information Guided by Social Influence. IEEE

Transactions on Fuzzy System Volume 26, Issue 3, June 2018, pages 1704 - 1718. 

A. Orun, D. Elizondo, E. Goodyer and D. Paluszczyszyn , Use of Bayesian Inference Method to Model Vehicular Air Pollution in Local Urban Areas, Transportation Research Part D:Transport and Environment, 63, pp.236-243, 2018.

Liang Hu, Zidong Wang, Qin-Long Han, and Xiaohui Liu, State estimation under deception attacks: security analysis and attack detection, Automatica, 87: 176--183, 2018.

Sarah Greenfield and Francisco Chiclana, “Type-Reduced Set structure and the truncated type-2 fuzzy set”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, volume 352, pages 119–141, December 2018.

Jayne Eaton, Shengxiang Yang, and Mario Gongora “Ant Colony Optimisation for Simulated Dynamic Multi-objective Railway Junction Rescheduling”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Issue: 99, pp.1- 3, 2017.

M. Li, S. Yang, and X. Liu. Pareto or non-pareto: Bi-criterion evolution in multi-objective optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 20(5): 645-665, October 2016.

L. Wu, S. Liu and Y. Yang. Grey double exponential smoothing model and its application on pig price forecasting in China. Applied Soft Computing, 39:117–123, 2016.

F. Tsitoura, Z.A. Anastassi, J.L. Marzuola, P.G. Kevrekidis, and D.J. Frantzeskakis, Dark solitons near potential and nonlinearity steps, Physical Review A, 94, 063612, 2016.

Cristóbal J. Carmona, V. Ruiz-Rodado, María José del Jesús, A. Weber, Martin Grootveld, Pedro González, David A. Elizondo: A fuzzy genetic programming-based algorithm for subgroup discovery and the application to one problem of pathogenesis of acute sore throat conditions in humans. Inf. Sci. 298: 180-197, 2015.

Shell, J. and Coupland, S. Fuzzy Transfer Learning: Methodology and application. Information Sciences, 293, 1 pp. 59-79, 2015.

Deka, L., Barua, G. Consistent Online Backup in Transactional File Systems, IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering. Volume 26, Issue 11, 2014.


A. Moemeni, E. Tatham. Inertial-Visual Pose Tracking Using Optical Flow-aided Particle Filtering, IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia, Signal and Vision Processing (CIMSIVP), December 2014.