
Air Transport Management MSc module details

Block 1: The Business and Economics of Air Transport

The Business and Economics of Air Transport module helps students to acquire a systematic understanding of the business and economics of air transport. This will include exposure to the key international regulatory regimes and international aviation institutions as well as the application of economic theory to the air transport sector. 

Block 2: Airports: Planning, Operations and Management

The aim of this module is to enable the student to acquire a critical understanding of the principles and practices of airport planning, operations and management. This will involve exposure to key airport planning requirements, the role of ICAO’s SARPs, core operational requirements and management considerations. 

Block 3: Airline Business Strategy and Marketing

This module will enable student to acquire a systematic understanding of airline business strategy and the principles and practices of airline marketing. This will include exposure to the key airline business models and characteristics of full-service scheduled, low cost, hybrid and charter carriers as well as key airline operating issues including fleet planning and scheduling. The marketing elements will include critical consideration of the four key characteristics of airline service marketing, visual branding, and product development. 

Block 4: Sustainable Aviation

The aim of this module is to enable the students to identify and assess the challenges of sustainable aviation and to evaluate a range of potential options to address these issues. This will include exposure to the key environmental impacts of air transport at the global and local level, mitigation measures, local community reactions and policy responses.  

Block 5 & 6: Air Transport Research Project

Students will be able to undertake original research in an area related to air transport management. This will require the student to devise an original research project, identify and analyse data sources, and present a written 10,000-12,000 word research project.